Life with Sakura

What We Think, We Become

What We Think, We Become

Monday, December 29, 2008

Old Car vs Old Car

Can you imagine this is an old rotten car? How can this become comparable than picture below?

In future, the car maker should not compare cars between the speed and performance. It should be comparing on its outlook and how long it can last for one's car.

This picture was taken when I first time saw the number plate start with KL XXXX. I really admire how this car owner preserve this car so well. It is clean and nice inside too unlike the picture above.

I think it takes a lot of effort to maintain a nice and clean car.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Olden Days of Selling Chicken Rice

Poor old man has to wait for people to come to buy his chicken rice. Moreover, under the hot sun. Phew, I feel I'm sweating right now!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Dream Home

Have you wonder what is your dream home will be?

Well, I have never thought of my dream how is going to be like in the first place until I mingled around with friends that is much older than me about 10 to 20 years different. The elder sisters or brothers in their 30s or 40s told me to go to see some show house very weekend to get ideas for your dream home. I have never thought of it until now, I may have ideas but have not sketch of my dream home.

To me, I always wanted a nice cozy house with waterfront and jacuzzi at home. This picture below tells it all.

Isn't it refreshing enough to wake every morning by looking at the sea?

An evening view from bedroom

Side view from bedroom

I also would like to have seaview house. Every morning I wake up I can see the sea that makes me feel very refreshing. It's great to have such house.

Morning view
Evening view I
Evening view II
If I have a seaview house, I don't think I necessary need a swimming pool. Moreover, to have a swimming pool is a more costly than going to sea for a swim. Anyway, swimming in the sea is far more dangerous than your own private pool. Hmmm, at least I can invite some of friends for BBQ and partying the whole night at the pool side especially for the night owl fellows.

Well, this is one of the idea of having a dream home. Guess whose house is this? Let's have multiple choice question:-

a) Warren Buffett

b) William Gates III

c) Li Ka-Shing

d) Eldrick Woods

Answer: D - Eldrick Woods who is Tiger Woods
Highlight after the word "Answer" to get the answer.