Life with Sakura

What We Think, We Become

What We Think, We Become

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fake Friends

I never before I had fake friends. Recently I have encountered one, even though I treat them nice... they just only want one thing, which is :-

A fake friend calls when they need something. A real friend calls to ask if you're in need.

Oh well, my fake friend checking on me whether I'm dating someone or not after I told her twin sister (another fake friend) that I'm dating someone and... so that, she can have my torn old shoe. She does not really concerned me as her friend by asking how am I (but only once out of the blue moon) because she only just wants one thing, which is my torn old shoe.

End of the day...

They are worst than a wild beast,
Wild beast will only wound your body,
But fake friends will wound your mind and soul

I would prefer to have this:-

A fake friend will only have a selfish thought just like the smell of the salted fish dry under the sun, whereby the flies love to go near them because of the "good aroma" on their body.

How can I be kind to the FAKE FRIENDS in the future?

The FAKE FRIENDS do not see the pain of other's feeling

Once FAKE FRIENDS hurt the feeling of others,
what would happened?

Because of one tree, it burnt the whole forest. Why? My perception towards Christian community have changed since then. They make me felt very unkind and selfish. They are more likely are FAKE FRIENDS to you.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


To realize
the value of a sister/brother
ask someone
who doesn't have one.

To realize
the value of ten years:
ask a newly
divorced couple.

To realize
the value of four years:
ask a graduate.

To realize
the value of one year:
ask a student who
has failed a final exam.

To realize
the value of nine months:
ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.
To realize
the value of one month:
ask a mother
who has given birth to a premature baby..

To realize
the value of one minute:
ask a person
who has missed the train, bus or plane.

To realize
the value of one-second:
ask a person
who has survived an accident.

Time waits for no one.
treasure every moment you have.

You will treasure it even more when
you can share it with someone special.

Falling in Love is easy but staying in love is something very special

To realize the value of a friend or family member:

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


What is Happiness?

According to Wikipedia, Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.

I believe finding someone special at heart that is who can make you L.A.U.G.H is very important in life. I do not agreed a FAKE FRIEND that once told me that the B.R.A.I.N.Y is far more important than someone who can make you laugh. How ignorant she is on this statement!

Indeed, I had someone who is brainy in the past, unfortunately, he does not have any Emotional Intelligence (EQ). At times my life was really plain. No thrilled, no excitement, no fun with jokes (because he never gets my jokes) and he only talked about politics which sound like he can changed the political system. He may sounds like the BRAINY one. Oh yes, I agreed to that... but acted like a fool of himself.

Anyway, I have found someone truly take cares of me. He not only can make me LAUGH, also he is the BRAINY and LAUGHABLE PERSON. We can talk humourously, smartly, intelligently, arguementatively and perhaps, more importantly sense on EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE unlike the FOOL... oppppssss.... what's the name called by the FAKE FRIEND.... Yes, the so called BRAINY. The only thing my dear and I don't have is that wealthy family status. But I really live happily together with him.... a very simple and joyful  life ^_^

Anyway, this is the one of the quote to LAW OF HAPPINESS :

"When one door closes another door opens"

This quote is so true especially to MY FAKE FRIEND whom does not speak the truth from the heart. 

whom wants the so-called BRAINY guy: -

So, what is the TRUE HAPPINESS?

From the Buddhist quote :-

 is a state of mind and it is a choice.
Do not wait for it from others or from circumstances.
It is always coming from YOU