Life with Sakura

What We Think, We Become

What We Think, We Become

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


What is REJECTION? This is defined by The Free Dictionary by Farlex :-
  1. The act of rejecting or the state of being rejected. 
  2. Something rejected.
  3. Medicine. The failure of a recipient's body to accept a transplanted tissue or organ as the result of immunological incompatability; immunological resistance to foreign tissue.
My previous relationship was working fine until there is someone or somebody out there has given that "Bastard" an idea that religion incompatible when he promised me at the initial stage of dating that he does not mind to have me despite religion differences. But when I came acrossed with him about the future planning, he gave me an execuse of "Religion Incompatible" and I do not respect for that kind of reason, no matter what. Hence, this is the rejection I had from him being in the relationship for four years and knowing him for six years.

Since then, I never spoken to him. I have totally ignored him as a person. I despised him at the every bottom of my heart. He shattered my heart just like

"the glass is broken into pieces, it will be never have the same figure as before".

At times, the feeling is so horrible and I cried almost everyday asking "why is there rejection?", "why there is a sudden change of heart?", "why I have been asking him harshly and further details about the future planning?"... and asking so many reasons of "WHYs?" at times. My soul hurts so much until I could not forgive and forgotten on his words. He never apologized and never felt sorry that he had wasted my time. He is so coward to apologize! Since then, I could not forgive and forget until one day that I have came acrossed a quote (by 101 Powerful Affirmations), which stated that :-

Forgive Those Who Insult You, Attack You, Belittle You or Take You For Granted.
But More Than This...
Forgive Yourself For Allowing Them To Hurt You

Wow, this quote is so strong to define me at this situation! This is what I needed. I need to FORGIVE MYSELF instead I forgive the "Bastard", so that, in future I will not allow anyone to hurt me including myself. Since then, I have learnt ... 

Rejection in all its forms can sometimes be one of the best things that ever happens to you. It forces you to look deep inside, re-evaluate your worth and reaffirm who you are and what you have to offer.
Rejection can be the Miracle Grow you've been needing to take yourself to the next level.
~ Mind Movies ~

Yes, I agreed the quote above. Rejection is a way to look my ownself, my deeper self. Without this rejection, I would not have, that is called "Miracle Grow". With this rejection, I know that I should not have a relationship with this "Bastard" anymore. So...

Swiftly, after the rejection of "religion incompatible"... I fell in love with someone who deserve more than the "Bastard". I'm happier than ever. No regrets that I have been rejected by the "Bastard". He was there for me at times when I was at my saddest moment. He lifted up my soul. I missed him every moment and his laughter. So I thanked you "Bastard" to reject me and allowing me to find someone better than you. 

Anyway, this "Bastard" and a girl friend of mine that I used to hang out were into relationship. That is why he mentioned "religion incompatible" because of my friend whom has the "religion compatible" with him. So this is the Christian's favourite action!

I shall see your KARMA that is going to hit you in near future. Watch Out!

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